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Lexy Nuesch Horsemanship | Nebraska Horse Trainer | LNH Logo

Jasper: August 26

This week, we worked on Desensitizing to the Lead Rope, Yielding the Hindquarters Stage 1, Yield the Forequarters, Flexing, & Lunging Stage 1. Overall, Jasper did well for his first week. No issues with Desensitizing to the Lead Rope other than wanting to come into my space a bit more than I would like. He was a bit stiff & dull with Yielding the Hindquarters & Yield the Forequarters, but that predominantly comes down to not knowing. It didn't take long for him to figure out Flexing. During Lunging Stage 1, he moved around me well without pulling on me, but he wasn't sure about yielding his hindquarters to stop & face me. By the end of his first introduction to that exercise yesterday evening, he was beginning to figure it out. He has been a bit sore on his cut leg. I suspect it's because he's been roughhousing with his pen mates & harassing a new horse across the fence, which has resulted in him kicking the gate. I'll continue to keep a close eye on it over the next couple of weeks.

Next week, we'll continue working on these exercises while also introducing Lunging Stage 2, Backing Up, the Sending Exercise, & Circle Driving.

- Lexy Nuesch


Next week's update will be posted on Saturday.

I do my best to get these updates posted in a timely manner, but it's not uncommon for me to be outside until after dark, depending on the weather, my schedule, & who gets worked when so updates will sometimes be posted quite late in the evening. Don't be alarmed if you don't see your update right away. In rare cases, I may have to push them until the next morning, but I'll reach out & let you know if so.


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